Tuesday, January 11, 2011

that didn't make me smile

Today I had to say goodbye to my dad at the train station and it was definitely not a fun thing at all. He came to visit before he went back to Canada, and he was here for almost exactly 24 hours which was not nearly enough time to make up for the 5 1/2 months of not being able to see him. Thoughts of going back to canada were in my mind at that moment for sure. Goodbyes hold a very firm position in my top 5 least favorite things in the world along with clowns and human trafficking. There have been some instances where I use the saying "small world" today that was the last thing that i was feeling. When I said goodbye to my dad it felt like the world couldn't be bigger. The most confusing part is I love it in England so much that regardless of where I am living I am going to miss someone or something. It is the strangest feeling when I am so conflicted about where I want to be. If it wasn't for God I am pretty sure I would be a complete at total wreck but thankfully he is always there so I always have a best friend with me.

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