Sunday, January 2, 2011

oh how I miss you

So it has been over 5 months now since I have been on a legit photo shoot with a dslr and oh my goodness I miss it. Due to the fact that someone stole not only by dslr they stole my film camera as well that i never even got to try = not happy

I so badly wish I had a nice camera again, I love how the world can look the same to 7 billion people but when you are looking at it thru a camera lens it can look different to every single individual. Even the day to day things that seem insignificant can be a crucial centerpiece to a photo. I literally spend hours looking at photos online and get lost in how amazing the world is. I mean photos are what make traveling so desirable for me. I see these amazing places in photos that I could never have dreamed of with my own mind but when I get a glimpse of some breath taking far off place in a photo I can't help but want to go there. Not only that but it makes me so curious as to what other undiscovered places are out there.


Places are amazing to looks at in photos but something that is way more commonly photographed is people. The people you love and care about can be frozen in time and kept with you no matter where you are in the world. In a way photos can comfort in a way that words never can, even the people who have passed can be with you. So even if you can't hug that someone special or even talk to them even if for a moment you can see their face smiling again.


my favorite thing about photos though is this, every photo is a frozen memory. The time you did something crazy with a best friend, the time you ate at your favorite restaurant for the tenth time, or a vacation you went on with your family. That memory will forever be remembered 50 years from now I can pull out a photo album and look back at those memories and never forget those precious moments.


so yeah photography is technically defined as the act of taking photos but honestly it is so much more than that. It is a way of being able to freeze life for just a second and let it take your breath away.

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