Friday, January 21, 2011

i'll be there for you

For the past couple weeks I have been watching all of the seasons of friends. I have got thru seasons 1-6 and half way thru season 7. It is crazy that a show went for 10 seasons and is still as popular as it is. Usually I get really attached to the characters but all it really makes me think of is how my friends are so awesome. We didn't necessarily sit in the same coffee shop all the time but instead we hung out at Church, Starbucks, and McDonalds. Which is so much better! I can't wait until we can all be together again, go for drives listening to music, go to the beach in whiterock, and party it up! I am starting to see some similarities between some of the characters and my friends but mine are still better. So much better in fact that I live over 7 000 miles away and I still have them as my bff's i love them!


  1. who would i be i'm curious.

  2. gabbi is more like pheobe, jesse is DEFS joey, steling maybe more like chandler, nicky you are kinda like pheobe too. Paula you are not insaine enough to be monica and uhh your bedroom?? defs not organized enough. Powla your a mix between rachel and monica and pheobe. Chanel is most like Rachel.
