Monday, January 3, 2011


One of my life long dreams has always been to go to Ukraine and see where my family came from. A couple weeks ago I got to live out that dream and oh my goodness it was incredible.

I went with my dad and my sister, we started the trip off in Kyiv, we arrived at the airport and the first thing I learned about Ukraine is oh my lanta it is COLD! My dad`s fiance met us at the airport and we took a bus into town to the place we were staying. We spent the first couple days in Kyiv seeing the city and then it was off to Dnepropetrovsk. We had to take a 7 hour train ride on a train that had been used during the war to transport prisoners between Russia and Ukraine it was just a little terrifying. Then to make it even better I got a little surprised when I went to go to the toilet and was greeted by a hole in the floor.

We got to Dnepropetrovsk and stayed there for 5 days. While we were there I met my step- brother, my dad got married, I watched a crazy amount of russian TV and ate more dill than I ever have in my life. oh yeah and picked watermelon.

After a very eventful couple of days we went back to Kyiv saw more of the city and heard all about the history of the city. It was so cool to see all the architecture and see how different my life could have been if my Gido had never decided to move to Canada. When I was standing in independence square in the center of the city I got so overwhelmed, I was so incredibly thankful for my family and so proud to be Ukrainian.

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