Saturday, January 29, 2011

straight up

i would love to be able to say that life is peachy, that i am loving just doing life. unfortunately that isn't the case at the moment. don't get me wrong i am happy and so loving the things i am getting to do in england but flip me is it tough. i love the people, my church, even the city as much as people hate on bradford. the hard part has become money and trusting. it is a constant roller coaster of being awesome and stressed to the max. and the fact that money is becoming a more and more foreign object to me.

the 26th of each month when i know i have to pay my rent is faithfully the most stressful day of the month. the first couple months were alright
because of my savings but now that that has been gone for a while it is causing more and more frustration. trying to get a job has been something i have been trying to do for months now and it just isn't happening for me. that gets me even more frustrated because of the fact that i feel dumb with how long i have been job hunting. if i was hunting for food instead of a job i would be a dead hunter. i am at the point where i don't know what to do next. God knows everything that is going to happen and is in control so i should be able to just chill out, but when my bank account is in the negative it kinda makes it INSAINLY hard to trust him. hopefully the next couple days start looking up job wise but until then chocolate and my bible are my closest companions...and maybe a little jb (yes justin bieber)

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