Tuesday, June 26, 2012


When you are a kid people ask you what do you want to be when you grow up?

When you are graduating high school they ask you what are you going to do with your life?

When you are an adult people ask what are you doing with you life?

When you are wise and have a crown of silver hair people ask you what did you do with your life?


As a kid you can answer with anything you want, you could dream of being a mermaid or a cowboy they just smile and say you can do whatever you want. As you get a little older people start asking but expect a answer that they can wrap their minds around. They ask what are you going to do and a lot of time expect a five year plan consisting of university and your ideal career path like a teacher or doctor. What is your realistic plan? The expectation of your dreams are now supposed to be based on realistic goals and are you going to be able to pay the bills. When you are an adult and you meet someone new one of the first questions you get asked is "what do you do?". They don't want you to tell them what you do on weekends for fun they want to know what job is, part to learn more about you but also to reveal more about your status in society. Are you a corporate executive, do you work at wal-mart, or are you searching to find yourself (otherwise known as unemployed). When you are older people always want to find out about the adventures you lived,where did you go, what did you do, not what your job was they want to know what did you accomplish.

When you are a child you don't see limitations on what you can do. Life is this exciting thing where you can try new things, be anything you want and nothing stops you. When you get older your perspective changes, other factors come into play. Your focus is no longer solely on pleasure and excitement it becomes tainted with "is this realistic?".

Life becomes this cycle of work, home, family, sleep. Things may pop in every now and again to mix it up but broken down life has only a few small areas of focus. For some people the dreams in your heart my be part of your career or just life in general but sadly for the most part people's dreams are put on the side due to REALITY. 

I have put a lot of thought into reality. the meaning of it and the impact it has on individual lives.Something about it just bugs me, who was the person the created the term reality? A term that in itself restricts the human desires and passions with 4 syllables. I understand that some things take more time and work than others, that is reality but at the same time who creates the boundary for where reality becomes unrealistic? If you spoke to someone 50 years ago and talked to them about the technology that's around today they would think you are crazy. What about the advances in medicine or peoples rights? There have been so many things that have changed that they would have been defined as "unrealistic". Still someone had the courage to go against the grain and try it anyway. 

I have been told countless times in my life do whats in my heart and do what makes me happy. The challenge now is, am I willing to change my perspective on what people expect and follow that advice regardless of the outcome. Can I really wrap my head around the fact that I could lose some of the people closest to me?Am I willing to sacrifice everything? If I let reality be my main concern I have to say good bye to those dreams and passions inside. Why would I want that at all? 

The fear of being different and stepping outside the box becomes so great that the consequences of going after what you want becomes crippling. Is that really worth it? If the rules of reality become the focus because of fear then the world would be in danger of becoming uniform.  

Reality becomes the killer of dreams.        

I decided to take the word reality and look at it the way I see it. I changed my focus from the reality of the world to the perspective of how God sees it. My reality is not determined by my current circumstance but by my choices and God's outcome. I want my eye to be on positive thinking, to be about whether it is going to matter in the end. So when I am old and grey and someone asks me to tell them about my life I don't tell them about my 9-5 office job or how much debt I was in or the crappy car I had. When they ask me about my life I want to tell them about the people I loved, the dreams I thought were ridiculous and people told me were too far fetched were only the beginning. I am so tired of talking to people who have dreams but put them on the side because reality told them they couldn't do it. IT breaks my heart to think of how many people gave up on what they really wanted or believed in. I don't want to be someone who falls into the category of putting my dreams so far on the back burner I forget what they are. 

My reality says I have a choice to go above and beyond, dreams and passions are not feelings but ideas to be put into action.  My perspective is not going to fall into line with reality but be altered to see the endless possibilities my life can have when my heart's desires are in the driver's seat.

My focus is not on the success but on significance 

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