Monday, June 18, 2012

Narwhal Syndrome

When monday morning rolls around and I think about how far away the weekend seems it can really put a dent in my motivation. I am 100% without a shadow of a doubt not a morning person. 

For those people that can spring out of bed with a thought in their mind besides 18 more hours till I can sleep again I tip my hat to you. There is just something in me that refuses to enjoy the fact that I have to venture out of my peaceful state of sleep. 

I started thinking about that this morning during my zombie hour. {My zombie hour is basically a part of my morning when my eyes are still puffy, I am contemplating going back to bed, when my vocal chords refuse to work and my normally violently happy face wants to slap anyone that tries to make conversation}Now regardless of the fact that I do not enjoy having to wake up and crawl out of my ridiculously warm, soft, and comfy bed I still need to do it. The bottom line is I am so blessed to get up every morning and know that I have a job to go to, I have a variety of deliciously nutritious breakfast options and a plethora of tea's in my cupboard. 

I am not saying I can just flip a switch and from now on I am going to wake up like Cinderella singing to the birds and dancing around. What I can do though is make the most of my days and focus on the good moments. As human beings we feel the need to fix things that are broken, perfect the things we are good at, and be great at as much as we can. I could say I am going to work really hard at being a morning person but the chances of that happening are about the same as me tuning into a narwhal.Now I can go crazy trying to make the chances of me becoming a morning person higher than me turning into a mystical creature but that would be such a waste of time.  

Introducing Narwhal Syndrome. Narwhal Syndrome is simply defined as the obsessive desire to be perfect. Why Narwhal Syndrome? well as I said before the chances of me becoming a narwhal are ZERO just like that chances of you being perfect at everything. For me narwhal syndrome rears its head when I look at becoming a morning person. For others it may be something way more intense and affects you to the core. No matter what your root may be it is something you can still face. It can be broken down simply good verse bad...negative verse positive. You can look at your issue and think I have to be better, I have to fix it or you can look at it and say does the fact that I am not perfect in everything really define me. You are going to have blemishes but what about the amazing things that make you you and the things that your friends and loved ones couldn't live without?

People strive to be the best and if we can't be the best we are told we can't succeed find something new. We then have this messed up complex that we are not good enough or something is wrong. We put on these masks that cover up what we think is horribly wrong with us so others will think everything is ok. The fact is you are never going to be perfect. It is a little harsh and can hit a sore spot for some people but its the truth. Think about what is in your face that you feel you have failed at. If you try and be perfect at it you are going to be disappointed. Don't let Narwhal syndrome creep in and hold you back. 

I royally suck at mornings and I can accept that, I don't let it affect me (most of the time). I have way bigger fish to fry than focus on one little thing that's not perfect. Instead I look at the fact that I am pretty damn good at other things. I am not going to kill myself trying everyday to perfect things but I am going to try my best and be satisfied with my best. 

Mornings still suck but instead of focusing on the fact that I want to make a law against waking up before the sun I contemplate life and blog posts that random strangers are going to read. I sip my cup of tea and get on with my day. 

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