Thursday, June 14, 2012


If you were to ask me what do I want in life I couldn't give you a long drawn out plan or dream. It wouldn't be to have a million dollars or a nice house and the perfect job it is simply to be happy. Don't get me wrong while having all those things would be great and probably make life simpler it's not really what matters at the end of the day.

I may be young and not have had many crazy life experiences but one thing I have learned is happiness isn't based on your circumstances happiness is a choice. You make a choice to let your circumstances define your happiness, if you have lots of money in the bank things are okay if you have no money in the bank things are rough and hard and you don't know how you're going to get by your upset all the time people are affected your whole life is affected because of one circumstance. But what about the good circumstances? what about the people in your life that you care about what about the things you have to live for the things ahead of you. When I look back at my life I've had some rough times but then I looked at the good times and those make all the bad times so worth it.

The bad times made me who I am and the good times define who I am. it doesn't matter what happens today or tomorrow what matters is the choice and I choose to be happy I choose to live life to the full and I choose to be the best me I can be. Not because that's what people say you're supposed to do but because that's how life is supposed to be.

Life is going to be hard the unexpected can happen and sometimes you can't be in control but love is worth it God is worth it. Having hope that even though it's tough for now it can to get better is worth it.

Life is an adventure it's not supposed to be suffered through or endured or just having to go through it it's getting to go through it it's getting to experience things and meet new people and do amazing things it's about finding adventure. It's about finding the good in people and finding good in a world that is so messed up but so beautiful.

If you can look at your life and see even a glimmer of goodness choose that because only you can control you ,only you can make the choice to be happy. It isn't always easy to be happy it isn't always easy to make that choice but just think that one smile you give someone in the street or that extra hello Or how you doing to the person at Starbucks could change someone's life because you made the choice to be happy. Someone could feel love for the first time feel like someone cares because of one decision you made. Don't do it because it makes you feel good about yourself simply do it for one reason. We are called to make a difference.

Not everyone can cure cancer but everyone can smile. Anyone can choose to be happy

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