Thursday, June 21, 2012

the pit of despair

life has moments that seriously royally suck where I feel like digging a hole and giving up. 

sometimes it can be so rough it feels hopeless like nothing I do or say will be able to make it better, my circumstances are what they are and regardless of my efforts there is no way out. 


I realized something today.

that is SO stupid. 

genuinely if I really think life is hopeless I need to take a step back and get a grip. feeling hopeless is the most crippling feeling but there is a way out.

hope is defined as the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best

No one can force you to believe something, you have to make the choice whether you believe it or not. now the only way I am able to recognize hopelessness in the first place is because of the fact that I recognize a lack of hope. meaning at one point I did have hope and if hope is a feeling it cannot just disappear and be completely non existent. just like when you are sad it doesn't mean you will never be happy again 

In the princess bride (one of my all time FAVORITE movies) there is a scene in the pit of despair (it is basically a torture chamber)inigo montoya and fezzik find wesley dead. Now first off the albino that looked after the pit said no one knew how to get in but in a miraculous way they still got it. better yet when they found wesley "dead" in the pit it turns out he was only mostly dead and they were able to revive him with the help of miracle maxyes i understand that is a completely ridiculous and unrealistic possibility from a movie made in the 80's but my point is even in the midst of death they had hope. 

The pit of despair looked like the end but it wasn't. when i get knocked down because of life circumstances I don have to stop and give up I can get back up. I may be bruised and a little sore but regardless I can cling to the fact that I do have hope. whether my hope is running on low or through the roof... 

I will never have no hope.  


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