Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have been reading a book, that in itself is a miracle, and it has blown me away with how it illustrates the beauty of a woman.

All women want to matter to someone, to feel important and loved. We are told that if your hair is just right or if you wear the latest trends you are accepted. The beauty on the inside takes second place and the longing to be beautiful revolves around the outward appearance. When in public the streets change from a means of transportation to a runway where your best efforts are put to the test. Many women use denial and say they truly believe what is on the inside is all they care about, to those women I ask them why is it when you go to a movie you find it necessary to put on make up, do your hair and find the perfect outfit? You will literally be sitting in a dark room for 2 hours and no one will see you. The fact is whether women want to admit it or not we care.

Caring about the outward appearance used to be a way women portrayed their confidence. Now when a woman looks perfect she is labeled as insecure and shallow and frowned upon by other people. We are told to focus on the inside and on the outside everyone is beautiful so it doesn't matter as much what you look like.

Seriously? Why is it wrong to just enjoy both? Some women use fashion to express themselves others get dolled up for pure enjoyment. When girls are little they get so excited when they get to dress up their dolls or try on mommies makeup. We like to feel feminine and show how we feel on the inside on the outside. I truly don't believe what is on the inside is all that matters. I don't mean that in a way that a woman's value is based on appearance but just because something matters it doesn't mean it is where value is rooted from. If the inside is all that counts was really true there would be no fashion industry no fad diets no 24hour gyms to get fit it would all be irrelevant. No matter if you are young or old how you value yourself is going to be affected by your outward appearance. But that is not the only thing looks are meant for. Looks and appearance are not just for status there is a balance.

There are so many women that consume themselves with appearance and that is when is crosses a boundary but women need to understand that there is nothing wrong with having your appearance as a focus.

I have been thinking back over the past few years and in my own life and in my friends lives. We have all had countless moments where we have emotional phone calls or emails with broken hearts striving for more. If only this was different or if that was better, we want to be satisfied but there is this voice pushing us forward saying there is always more. We try to take matters into our own hands changing things about ourselves or our situation to find a way to make things better. We want to live the best possible life we can but no matter how bad or good things are it is not enough. If we get bored we dye our hair or cut 18 inches off on a spontaneous trip to Switzerland (yes I unfortunately did this)

I could ramble for a long time but what I have realized is a woman's beauty is not just based on her appearance and her personality it is so much more than that. It has been broken down to two areas so girls can feel like they have accomplished at least one. Beauty is something that encompasses the entire essence of a woman, her gentle nurturing spirit. The way a woman comforts her friend through a rough patch in life when she herself is about to burst from heartache. There is beauty in the way a woman can be doing 10 things at once but still manage to remember the smallest details. There is beauty in the loudest booming laugh that may bring nothing but embarrassment, there is beauty in a woman when she can admit she is not ok and just needs to cry. These things are not typically used to describe beauty. When you ask someone to describe you things like loyal or kind are more common but I think it is time stereotypes and familiarity are broken. We need to change how we as women see ourselves. If you want to focus on feeling fantastic in everything you wear and your desire is to be size 0 go for it. Why is that anymore shallow than a woman who works on wall street wanting to make millions? In my opinion there is none. Women have different desires some are visible from the outside others not as much. We need to embrace the fact that beauty is more than a simple description of looks, it is a description of every single unique characteristic a woman portrays.

Embrace the things that make you you. Not to be all crazy feminist but to realize your version of beauty is going to be different than the next person. Your quirky habits as strange and bizarre they may seem they are beautiful in their own way.

I choose to embrace the fact that I am ridiculously organized and like to spend hours making spreadsheets. I embrace the fact that I like to clean when I am stressed and like to eat pancakes for dinner. I am me and no matter how big of a mess life can seem I am going to do what I can to enjoy it. It is in my DNA to strive for perfection, instead of beating myself up for it I am going to be the best me even on days when getting out of bed is an epic accomplishment. I will appreciate my worst and best traits and never stop pushing forward and never stop striving for the best.

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