Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sweet dreams

It amazes me when I think about how many hours of my day I spend sleeping. Sleep is something I literally could not live without. I do it everyday, it is part of my routine that i rarely stop to think about it's actual value. I mean I love my sleep but there is so much more to it. Getting into a comfy bed and closing my eyes a few hours pass I wake up and slowly climb out of my nest. Over and over I do the same thing but if it was that simple would it matter that much? Sleep recharges our body, it gives us energy and strength to live. While that is the most common reason for why sleep is good I suggest another as the most important reason. Sleep is where dreams come alive. When I go to sleep it is a place my mind takes over. The adventures I could only imagine (literally) come to life. I have always been a vivid dreamer and when I think back at some of the amazing dreams I have had it makes sleep that much better. There are no rules or restrictions in my mind only endless possibilities. When I go off into dream land it is almost as if my heart and head have a battle of wits. The desires of my heart compete with the logic in my head but instead of real life when logic has more influence, My heart takes my imagination on a wild ride. I could be a mermaid riding a unicorn with a pet phoenix or I could be more down to earth and dream of real life situations when I have the courage to say what I otherwise couldn't. The fact is in my dreams I can be anyone I want and can feel on top of the world. I can escape. When people tell me to follow my dreams I have never taken it as act out the dreams I have at night. I take it as A push to pursue the impossible. Strive for happiness because it is possible. Dreams aren't just something we create in our minds during REM sleep cycles when our brain is in a certain state. While scientifically that may be true emotionally people are way more intricate. Our feelings connect with our deepest secrets and in our sleep those secrets are revealed to give us hope and faith that anything is possible. I don't want to be a mermaid but in a way I want to be on the same level. I want to live a life that is so outrageous and out of the box that it is a life as unfathomable as someone being a mermaid. One of my old roommates used to tell me sweet dreams every night. I love that saying, it's the 'once upon a time' of dreams. The introduction to the extraordinary. When you wake up think about your dreams. Whether it was realistic or not use it as fuel for your imagination. Create your perfect dream and make it a reality. The only one who knows what is truly in your heart is you. The sweet dreams that are hidden away are meant to be discovered in real life. Life can be a fairy tale brought to life and enjoyed not just endured. So to my readers... Sweet dreams xx

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