Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Expect the unexpected

By now I have figured out that plans aren't always going to work out in my favor. No matter how hard I try or what I do there are going to be twists and turns in the road of life. Sometimes I am going to make a turn and things will seem like they are going great and I end up taking a long detour to where I wanted to be. Other times I will just flat out hit a dead end and have to go right back where I started.

Today was one of those days when it was smooth sailing, things were fantastic. For the first time in a while I had a smile on my face just because. I wasn't thinking about what could go wrong or the mistakes I made. I was looking at the up side, the parts of my life that being me happiness. Then out of nowhere, just when things seemed to be going well


Smack in the face an unexpected turn. It was disguised as disappointment dressed in fear. A situation that left me helpless, I couldn't go to the rescue and fix it I literally had to sit back and hope for the best.

In that moment I had a choice. I could have seen the situation as a dead end road or choose to make the most of it and not be defeated. I decided to make a change to my normal freak out and just breathe.

As people we have an inner desire for approval. It could be with family, friends, colleagues or a whole other area but the fact is we need it. We crave that feeling when we are recognized for being great. When we are faced with trials we try to figure a way out. Now many people can look inward and sort things out but a lot of people seek guidance from friends. This has been one of my greatest weaknesses. I have put other people so high on my influence list that sometimes I forget to stop and think about what is good for me. I say this because it has caused me heartache and a lot of frustration. I will go around in circles trying to figure things out and that is where the problem begins. I try I don't listen to what God is saying first i put my friends and families opinions first, my opinions second and if I am not completely messed up i go to where I should have went in the first God.

I took time today to think about what is best for me and instead of running in circles I stopped for a second and had a chance to think and more importantly breathe. I went to the source and found exactly what I needed, I found peace. I don't know how things are going to turn out but I know that it isn't my responsibility to know. I made a decision to not let the twists and turns of life knock me off my feet but decided to learn and figure a way out.

When I take a wrong turn I have learned that it is ok, even if it seems right at the time I expect things to not always work out. I can expect the unexpected, it keeps life interesting and it keeps me trusting in the one thing that has truly never let me down {God}

No matter what and no matter when the unexpected happens I can let it destroy my spirit or let it push me to new discoveries and enjoy the life I was created for.

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