Saturday, March 10, 2012


with 10 days left in england a tsunami of thoughts, emotions and possibilities flood my mind. 

I sit letting Bon Iver serenade me while I plan out my european adventure. Sometimes that can be a slight problem, I spend so much time being in control and planning that I miss what is in front of my face. I can be completely honest about that because there are thousands of people on the planet just like me. They want to do so many exciting things with their life. We want to travel, have new experiences, meet new people, fall in love but we are so busy trying t figure out how and when that is going to happen that we miss out on the simplicity that is life. 

Yes I used life and simplicity in the same sentence. You are welcome to disagree but I believe life can be simple. The problem is we want to make it more complicated than it needs to be. One of my favorite things in the ENTIRE world is to star gaze. I can sit and watch the stars for hours on end and one of the best parts is it is entirely free. I don't need to have a big master plan for when or where I just know that the stars are there. It is simple, straight forward, it's just there.

Ultimately in life we can let go of the issues and this incredible thing can can have an unexplainable peace. Your stress goes away and all you have to do it one thing.

Make a choice. 

The choice is giving up. I am not saying give up on dreams or passions or having the things you want in life but giving up on trying to be in control of every little thing that happens. 

Sounds amazing right? not having to worry or stress. So if that is the end result how do you get there. Step one choose life in Christ and step two leave it with him. It is a daily battle, don't get me wrong, to give the control to him and leave it with him isn't always easy but it is so worth it.  

Paul said he needed to die daily to himself, making a decision to do what ever God asked him to do and follow His lead. Was he perfect? no but we can learn from his example though. He had a wacked out life but he chose to make the right decision in the end. He was able to turn things around by giving up to the call of Christ. He didn't do it on his own he did with his best friend God. 


that is thought of the day, today I choose to give up. I give up to follow His lead and enjoy a cup of tea. I chose to enjoy the simple things. 

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