Sunday, March 11, 2012

Challenge Accepted

After a phenomenal day at my dads house (aka church) I had some time to sit and think about the insane wisdom that is concentrated in one place. It is not about a competition of which church is the best it is about the simple fact that God uses willing people who are devoted to him. Really there needs to be loads of different churches because people relate to God in loads of different ways. Plus it would be incredibly inconvenient to have one church on the planet, talk about a long commute.

Moving forward I was thinking about what was shared today about building relationships that are healthy by being selfless, amongst many other things. Selfless was the one that stuck out the most to me because it is something that seems to be so rare in this day and age. It was on my mind pretty much all day when coincidently this evening this was expanded on even more which was perfect! I went on my way thinking I had given it enough thought when I got into a conversation with a friend about hearing God's voice.

I didn't see the connection at first but like with many Christian principles they came together beautifully. When I heard God tell me to move to Bradford I ignored it and did everything I could to try and convince myself it wasn't God. With how intelligent I am I genuinely thought I could out smart myself and go against what I knew God was telling me. It was a
Jonah and Nineveh type situation. I was being completely self centred and focused on what I wanted when the very name of a Christian means to be Christ like. So I say I want to be like Christ yet I am ignoring him, incredibly stupid if I do say so myself. God knew that neon in Bradford would challenge me and help me to grow in so many ways but I was so focused on where I was in the moment I was distracted and couldn't see the big picture. Thankfully I gave in but sometimes i have to admit I have ignored his voice and went my own way and yeah sometimes it has worked out but it could have been so much better if I would have just listened to him in the first place.

Recently I made a massive decision to move back to Canada. I found it really difficult to go with my heart and say it was time to move on to the next adventure. In all honesty it just seemed to hard to go back and start all over when I knew full well it would be hard but I was hurting myself by not listening to what He was telling me to do.

I have learned that my brain can work in ways that I can't describe and will somehow create insane scenarios with what ifs and shoulda woulda couldas. So I made myself a challenge, not just any challenge but one that makes me nervous at just the look if the words I am typing. I am going to completely do what ever God says WHEN ever he says it.

Now whether you read that and think um duh you are a Christian you are supposed to that or look at me and think I am a religious freak that is completely ok with me. No matter what your opinion I am consciously making a decision to listen and act according to His plan.

I am talking everything, those times when you are walking in town and you see someone you know you should stop and talk to but keep walking. Your family or close friends you have fallen out with and apologising even if you are right. Choosing not to eat the entire bag of chips because you know your body is a temple of Christ not a storing ground for crud. Every small thing I am making myself a challenge to be like Jim Carey in yes man. Minus the freaky cult like speaker of course. I challenger myself to listen to his voice even when it seems totally and utterly impossible. Who knows what God has in store or how many more countries I will visit or live in. Whatever the case I say yes to the challenge and I will follow with everything I am.

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