Saturday, March 31, 2012

Better late then never

So blogging during this trip hasn't really happened. I have made a video everyday but I haven't uploaded them so I will do that once I go to an Internet cafe at some point.

So the trip so far summed up has been amazing! I have seen so many incredible places and sights and feel so beyond blessed. The best part of the trip so far was definitely Naples and seeing the whole city from the top of a mountain. It was absolutely stunning, definitely in the top 10 coolest things I have ever seen.

The videos will have all the details of every city but I want to share about the number one most phenomenal part of this trip. In one word, God. When I am alone especially for longer periods of time I begin to think a lot and with no distractions the attention that God deserves from me is put on the top of my to do list. Basically I have had a week and a half of no one to talk to except Him and it has been amazing! My God is becoming my best friend all over again, someone I can talk to all the time and never want to stop.

I can get so consumed with the seriousness of issues people face in life. The hurt the pain all the crud, that the good stuff seems to come second place. So easily forgetting the fact that God said in John 10:10 he wants us to live life to the full. Not just strive to be ok but to go above an beyond. Yes if there is hurt or things that truly hold you back bring them to God but he wants us to enjoy life. He wants us to have fun, experience new places, meet new people. I guess realising that he created fun in itself shook me enough to just let loose and enjoy every little detail. I mean there are some funky looking things on this planet God has to have a pretty good sense of humour.

Well I am off to explore Tuscany tomorrow do farewell! enjoy some tidbits of my adventure in picture form.

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