Tuesday, November 23, 2010

simple answer

Today at work I was really tired, I started thinking the same way I did at home. I get into work mode and just focus on the fact that I am getting a paycheck at the end of the week and I can pay my rent.

When I walk anywhere instead of putting in my headphones and zoning out I use that time to talk with God or just think about life. It is amazing how fast time goes by. When I had a car I used driving time for thinking but then when I lost the car I lost that time for me. I started noticing a difference when I would get overwhelmed by the smallest little thing.

So back to work. When I walked in to the room all the kids yelled hi Tish!! it was enough to brighten up my day. But unfortunately about an hour later I was right back to

paycheck. paycheck. paycheck.

I was sitting in the story corner and one of the kids came over to me and cuddled right into my lap and asked me to read a story it was so flippin cute. As I was reading her the gruffallo for the third time a row another one of the kids who I haven't seen in a couple weeks comes into the class and runs over to me and jumps in my arms with a big smile on his face.

I started realizing that I wasn't just working at a daycare to pay the bills but it is a place where these kids go everyday and need to have someone love on them. They don't worry about their bills, stress, relationships, and try to work out every detail of life for the next year they just have fun!

If they don't like something they cry and it is better after someone kisses the owie or if their is problem with their friend they give them a new toy and all is well in the world.

I want to be like that. Know that no matter what there is an incredibly simple answer.
The truth is I know that answer and have for a long time.

it s God

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