Saturday, November 13, 2010


I am finding out that in life things are a lot simpler than I make then out to be. It s a simple choice most of the time.

yes or no // left or right // blue or green // chicken or beef

so why is it that when making a simple decision I need to look into every detail. you hear of stories where God tells someone to do something {on of those people being me with this whole grand adventure aka. England} but I don't necessarily think God needs to give us supernatural guidance when we want to decide if we are going to have a bagel or oatmeal for breakfast.
Yes absolutely God is with us in everything that we do and gives us direction, but where is the balance exactly.

Acknowledge God in all your ways and he will direct your path,

but he can't direct us if we aren't moving.

If I just live my life and listen for God doesn't that make things so much easier than sitting on my butt waiting for goosebumps when I hear something cool?? to be honest sometimes you get goosebumps because it is cold outside does that mean cold weather is extra spiritual. I mean come on people.

It is just something that's been on my mind. stressing out is just silly. I think when you stop and analyze almost any situation stress can come. So keep on moving and eventually things will make sense and just live your life! and wherever you are will be the happiest place on earth. Not just disneyland.

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