Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the truth hurts...or does it

sometimes we don't ask the questions we know we should 

because we are too scared of the answer. 


if we were really honest would life still look the same?

there are so many lies out there stopping us from reaching the highest points in life where we can jump off the edge completely fearless and soar above the sadness and rest in the fact that there is hope. 

The truth has so much power and freedom all we need to do is let go.

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth & the Life"

He knows that fear of the truth holds us back in a corner crippling us until we have a moment of courage and realize the risk is worth it. 

His way is truth so we can bring life 

Don't worry about the what if's because if you wait long enough, one day you will look back and that what if will have turned into a should of, those are a lot harder to live with. 

Just speak out and let the peaces fall where they may 

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