Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Waiting for the next thing can be the hardest part. 

Life is running smoothly, no major complaints but there is the one little thing that keeps coming back to test you. It comes back to make sure you don't ever forget where you came from. The good, the bad and the ugly are accompanied by their friend life. Life likes to make sure things stay messy, no routine or becoming comfortable. Keeping you on your toes so you enjoy every little moment of joy and sadness. 

With a returning pattern of change, waiting for what's next is exhilarating. It could be a challenge you need to face or a battle that requires everything in you. Other times it is a kiss of heaven, bringing someone special into your arms or that dream in your heart finally comes true. 

The idea of 'next' leaves us in constant state of questioning. Could something better be around the corner or could it finally be my turn to be happy. No matter how good we have it we want more. 

I want my next to be a fantastically mind-blowing spectacular display of awesome. I want every particle in my body to tingle with joy. I want to feel the happiness from the inside out causing a chain reaction, I want my smile to be so contagious cranky old grannies smile. Most of all I want my heart to be fill to the tippy top with love. 

I want it to be time for my next. 

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