Friday, September 14, 2012

just a thought

With the world so focused on the right now speedy fast, how many times have we worried about getting to the next place that we've missed our turn off that could have been a short cut to our destination?

I am not talking about the stereotypical don't be so focused on the future that you miss whats right in front of you

I am talking about the fact that we are moving so fast trying to make things happen on our own that we complicate situations. The feeling of being overwhelmed is all to familiar consuming your thoughts on a regular basis. You struggle to get a good nights sleep because you can't get your brain to stop. I have been there, nights where my thoughts are at warp speed the harder I try to chill the worse it gets.

Planning is something I have always done, making sure every single detail is planned to a T.

Having crazy pursuits and far off aspirations are by no means foreign to my life. The past few weeks I have had a life changing epiphany! I can start planning or start living. I could try and live out a plan but I have tried that. It is great for a while but when  spontaneity comes into the picture I self impload.

In 1 Samuel there is a story where Samuel is sleeping and he hears someone call his name. He is so used to routine as soon as he hears his name he thinks it the priest Eli. Three times he runs over asking Eli what he should do. Eli brings light to the situation and he says it is God speaking to Samuel. 

God speaks to everyone whether they are listening or not. How many times has God said to you chill take a sec to relax and then lets take a step forward together. The problem is you were so busy making your next five steps that you missed his direction and end up going on a massive trek to get to where you could have been in one motion if you would have slowed down and listened.

Just live your life and enjoy it! let God direct you and listen to his voice. When He is silent it doesn't mean he left it means he is quiet. 

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