Wednesday, September 26, 2012

here's to the future

I met with an old friend today, a friend who has seen me in some of my worst moments and has seen be thrive at my very best. It was so good to reminisce about the memories we have together and talk about the adventures we have journeyed in life over the past few years.

Talking about our lives now and the dreams in our hearts was amazing. Even though it has been so long since we have seen each other we could still encourage each other and get excited for what is to come.

We met years ago as crazy teenage girls emotions and all not knowing what the future held and now we are living it out. Our futures are so different then we ever imagined they would be because they are so much better than we thought! Our past may have had messy parts but our futures look bright because we learned from life's curve balls.

The next chapters will have dreams coming true and new adventures full of life! I am so excited for whats next, I just want it to begin. 

Ghosts That We Knew

The new Mumford album is MINT!

flippin love it the moment this is my favorite I am even enjoying this heavenly melody on repeat as I write this now

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Waiting for the next thing can be the hardest part. 

Life is running smoothly, no major complaints but there is the one little thing that keeps coming back to test you. It comes back to make sure you don't ever forget where you came from. The good, the bad and the ugly are accompanied by their friend life. Life likes to make sure things stay messy, no routine or becoming comfortable. Keeping you on your toes so you enjoy every little moment of joy and sadness. 

With a returning pattern of change, waiting for what's next is exhilarating. It could be a challenge you need to face or a battle that requires everything in you. Other times it is a kiss of heaven, bringing someone special into your arms or that dream in your heart finally comes true. 

The idea of 'next' leaves us in constant state of questioning. Could something better be around the corner or could it finally be my turn to be happy. No matter how good we have it we want more. 

I want my next to be a fantastically mind-blowing spectacular display of awesome. I want every particle in my body to tingle with joy. I want to feel the happiness from the inside out causing a chain reaction, I want my smile to be so contagious cranky old grannies smile. Most of all I want my heart to be fill to the tippy top with love. 

I want it to be time for my next. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

so freaking excited


to quote the brilliant Kristin Wiig

"I am so freaking excited!"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

life lesson

Life lesson of today:

People teach you two things,
 how you want to be & how you don't want to be
today I learned the second one

Monday, September 17, 2012

what I [wish I would have] said

Why is it so hard to be 100% honest? 

even with strangers, they are never going to see me again and people that I love are going to love me anyway. 

I can't count how many times I have laid in bed at night replaying scenarios in my head wishing it would have played out different. Wish I would have said something different or made a different decision. 

The fear of honestly has driven me mad! I can be so wound up in the moment that I let the fear of the truth paralyze my thoughts and mediocrity comes out on top. 

Most times when a person struggling with truth it is more often than not related to matters of the heart. He loves her but she doesn't love him or she loves him but he is in love with someone else. I get that, I have lived that, but honesty and the human expression of words is so much more than romantic confusion. 

How many times have you had a dream or utterly insane idea but you are too scared to tell anyone so you suppress the passion and settle for a more 'realistic' plan. 

I wish I would have taken time to listen to the whisper in my heart and the invaluable wisdom of God in times of confusion, rather than follow impulse out of impatience and anxiety.

I do not regret decisions in my life because my life kicks ass! The path I have taken has has twists and turns, bumps and bruises. I have traveled through the valleys and rested on the mountain top to take in the view and appreciate the beauty in life. 

The memories I have are magnificently invaluable, all coming together to paint a masterpiece that is still to be completed. 

I want to continue on this course with words of truth on my lips and a heart full to the brim with a burning love for people.  

a new way of seeing things

Friday, September 14, 2012

just a thought

With the world so focused on the right now speedy fast, how many times have we worried about getting to the next place that we've missed our turn off that could have been a short cut to our destination?

I am not talking about the stereotypical don't be so focused on the future that you miss whats right in front of you

I am talking about the fact that we are moving so fast trying to make things happen on our own that we complicate situations. The feeling of being overwhelmed is all to familiar consuming your thoughts on a regular basis. You struggle to get a good nights sleep because you can't get your brain to stop. I have been there, nights where my thoughts are at warp speed the harder I try to chill the worse it gets.

Planning is something I have always done, making sure every single detail is planned to a T.

Having crazy pursuits and far off aspirations are by no means foreign to my life. The past few weeks I have had a life changing epiphany! I can start planning or start living. I could try and live out a plan but I have tried that. It is great for a while but when  spontaneity comes into the picture I self impload.

In 1 Samuel there is a story where Samuel is sleeping and he hears someone call his name. He is so used to routine as soon as he hears his name he thinks it the priest Eli. Three times he runs over asking Eli what he should do. Eli brings light to the situation and he says it is God speaking to Samuel. 

God speaks to everyone whether they are listening or not. How many times has God said to you chill take a sec to relax and then lets take a step forward together. The problem is you were so busy making your next five steps that you missed his direction and end up going on a massive trek to get to where you could have been in one motion if you would have slowed down and listened.

Just live your life and enjoy it! let God direct you and listen to his voice. When He is silent it doesn't mean he left it means he is quiet. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

run away

I want to run away.

start all over.

forget the past. 

nothing holding me back.

everything new.

just run away.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

listen to the rain

When things seem like they are too much listen to the rain.

Every single drop has perfect place to land,

but it still has to fall before it achieves perfection. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

awakened by love

The beauty of a woman is unfathomable. 

The world has limited beauty to her physical appearance when beauty is defined as the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. 

It doesn't say the chick with the nicest rear end or the guy with the six-pack because beauty is so much more than that. 

This is why when a woman is told she is beautiful, even if subconsciously, she feels accepted and feels a connection because 

her inner being is being awakened by love. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the truth hurts...or does it

sometimes we don't ask the questions we know we should 

because we are too scared of the answer. 


if we were really honest would life still look the same?

there are so many lies out there stopping us from reaching the highest points in life where we can jump off the edge completely fearless and soar above the sadness and rest in the fact that there is hope. 

The truth has so much power and freedom all we need to do is let go.

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth & the Life"

He knows that fear of the truth holds us back in a corner crippling us until we have a moment of courage and realize the risk is worth it. 

His way is truth so we can bring life 

Don't worry about the what if's because if you wait long enough, one day you will look back and that what if will have turned into a should of, those are a lot harder to live with. 

Just speak out and let the peaces fall where they may