Saturday, August 27, 2011

run the race

I have heard numerous times life compared to running a race. This has had me thinking over the past little while. When I think of a race I think of elementary school track meets. It was one of the best days of the year because you got to skip a day of school to be a kid and literally run in circles...well ovals. Then I think of marathons, which shockingly enough comes up a lot in my life with a insanely determined boss who is running 15 marathons in 17 days.  That on the other hand does not seem like as much fun. Then there are those moments when it may be a short race but can feel like hours, when you see a friend you haven't seen in a long time and you run to embrace and things move in sow motion and there is sappy music in the background. well maybe not the end bits but you get the picture. There are so many types of races yet society seems to put it into one mod. School - Career - Family - Retire - DIE. My example may not be completely accurate but generally it is along those lines and that then equals a successful life. 

Now why this analogy of races and deep meaningful life situations well it really roots from one thing. The wonderful addicting world of facebook. It give millions of people access to see where your race or in my opinion races have taken you. Are you still the same person you were in high school? Are you in a successful career? are you getting married? having children? travelling the world? there are so many options but it can be so interesting to see where people are. At the same time it can be hard not to compare and have the big 


what if I had made this decision, what if I had done this instead of that. They are all logical questions but simply ridiculous. Your life is the way it is, if you are not happy with where you are at you can make decisions to change your circumstances. Don't et your circumstances change you. Know that you never have to be content or stuck and you don't have to be anyone you don't want to be. Now this rant is as much to myself as it is to anyone else but it is so important that we as people chose what race to run and when it is ok to sit and be happy with where we are at and enjoy the scenery. 

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