I have been to 6 countries and I am hoping I will stay on track and hit my goal

1. England
2. Canada
3. USA
4. Scotland
5. Switzerland
6. Germany
the other places I am hoping to visit soon are
Czech Republic
and others but these are the main ones.
I want to see the world!!
Hi there. I found your blog when I was searching for timtam logo.. and in all of sudden, I keep scrolling your blog down and down. Your blog is inspiring. I exactly have that urge to travel the world, which I always say 'someday', not now or next week, just someday. Your blog is kinda answering many questions and thoughts in my head. Look forward to meet you whenever you visit Indonesia. & Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for you encouragement. If I have learned anything it is go for your dreams now! There are timnes when you need to stop and take a break but if you have a passion let that drive you.
DeleteGod Bless