Saturday, August 27, 2011



run the race

I have heard numerous times life compared to running a race. This has had me thinking over the past little while. When I think of a race I think of elementary school track meets. It was one of the best days of the year because you got to skip a day of school to be a kid and literally run in circles...well ovals. Then I think of marathons, which shockingly enough comes up a lot in my life with a insanely determined boss who is running 15 marathons in 17 days.  That on the other hand does not seem like as much fun. Then there are those moments when it may be a short race but can feel like hours, when you see a friend you haven't seen in a long time and you run to embrace and things move in sow motion and there is sappy music in the background. well maybe not the end bits but you get the picture. There are so many types of races yet society seems to put it into one mod. School - Career - Family - Retire - DIE. My example may not be completely accurate but generally it is along those lines and that then equals a successful life. 

Now why this analogy of races and deep meaningful life situations well it really roots from one thing. The wonderful addicting world of facebook. It give millions of people access to see where your race or in my opinion races have taken you. Are you still the same person you were in high school? Are you in a successful career? are you getting married? having children? travelling the world? there are so many options but it can be so interesting to see where people are. At the same time it can be hard not to compare and have the big 


what if I had made this decision, what if I had done this instead of that. They are all logical questions but simply ridiculous. Your life is the way it is, if you are not happy with where you are at you can make decisions to change your circumstances. Don't et your circumstances change you. Know that you never have to be content or stuck and you don't have to be anyone you don't want to be. Now this rant is as much to myself as it is to anyone else but it is so important that we as people chose what race to run and when it is ok to sit and be happy with where we are at and enjoy the scenery. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I think I am going to go to an airport and buy a ticket for the next available flight.

just for the sake of adventure

just go

just have fun and be spontaneous

just live

now what

Those moments when I stop and think

now what?

they have been coming up a lot recently. Now I am not saying that I'm not happy with where I am but I am starting t think about whats next. I absolutely love my job and al that I get to do with life her in england but if something more permanent in the job front doesn't come up then I will have no way of staying in England even if I wanted to


the leads me towards planning plan b...Do I go back to the homeland? or somewhere new? somewhere new has WAY more appeal at the moment but that means more planning and figuring things out. Where am I gonna live? where am I going to work? do they have tea?

I suppose I dont need an answer right this very second but this first year has come and gone and with only 10 short months left I need to at least have an idea of whats next.
What ever happens next I am sure it will bee awesome I am just SO curious as to what I will do

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

6 down 4 to go

So my goal of 10 countries this year is well on its way

I have been to 6 countries and I am hoping I will stay on track and hit my goal

1. England
2. Canada
3. USA
4. Scotland
5. Switzerland
6. Germany

the other places I am hoping to visit soon are

Czech Republic
and others but these are the main ones.

I want to see the world!!



Noun: The state of thinking or hoping that something, esp. something pleasant, will happen or be the case

When you ask a little kid what they want to be when they grow up it is generally not a cashier at wal-mart or a janitor they have these massive dreams of what their life is going to be.

They are going to be a race car driver, a famous athlete, a singing super star (which I will be one day and I will travel the world as t-dog, the whitest inside out oreo that roamed the earth)

What has changed. loads of people will say reality...they wont admit that they just got so discouraged they gave up on incredible and settled for ok. The hard truth is so many people have. I myself do not want to be known as someone who setted. I know that I am living my life dreams and I am 20! I am travelling the world working at a christian charity and working with youth and working with organizations helping girls being trafficked AND still able to
have a social life. Yes I also wonder sometimes if my super powers can give me the ability to read minds or fly but number one I am scared of heights so I am going to pass on that and reading minds is a little creepy so I will go on just wondering and never knowing the truth about my powers.

One thing I am certain of is I am so expectant of what my life is going to be like. A lady at my church turned 100 this week. Her life has been absolutely extraordinary she has experienced and seen things that I am sure people 60 70 years ago said was impossible but yet she has still done them. I want my life to be like that.

I want to be expectant that every singe day can be an adventure, every day can have something new and exciting. It doesn`t mean I get disappointed if it doesn`t happen but stay focused on the fact that every day can be the best day
...I am expectant that my lie is going to be AMAZING!

I am back ladies and gentlemen

first of LAME SAUCE! I have not posted in so long it is ridiculous. So much good stuff has happened I should have posted for sure. So anyway here is some deets from the past little while.

I have been in england for over a year. that in its self is crazy...with how much suckage happened with finances and other doubts that I could actually live here successfully, it is so cool to look back and see how in the midst of it al God was always there and I am so beyond happy that I trusted him because I have had an incredible time!

Who knows what is next...I have ideas but after all that has happened nothing seems exciting enough at the moment. So here is to living big

go big or go home!