Friday, January 11, 2013

I shall but love thee better after death.

It was my birthday this week and I decided to get myself a FANTASTIC book as a present. A beautiful collection of love poems written by poets like the Bronte's, Keats, Blake, Shelly and my absolute favorite Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

The way her passion bursts from inside her to paint such a beautiful picture in just a few words takes my breathe away. Her beloved husband was her muse, inspiring her to write poetry that would leave me in awe 150 years after she wrote it. I have read sonnet XXIII about a thousand times and every time I read it I get butterflies and can't help but smile. It is one of the most popular love poems ever written playing a huge part in the legacy Elizabeth has left behind. 

I am not a poet, a writer or even decent at coloring in the lines. I don't have millions of followers on twitter or paparazzi following me around, I am no one of huge significance in society. I am however Letitia Andreas and that is pretty freaking cool if you ask me. I don't know what my dreams are, I don't know where I want to be in 10, 20 or 30 years heck I don't even know where I want to be in 5! I do know that I want to leave a legacy. 

My goal isn't to be famous but to be known as a person who loved. Love is the only thing in the world that has always been and will always be. This year has a clean slate, even though it is 11 days in and I feel like I am ready for a fresh start already I know that this year will be another year of adventure and new stories. I have made promises to myself that this year will be different and the only one who can make it an awesome year is me so this year I am making a choice. 

I will love the unloved
I will pursue life with everything I am 
I will take risks and not hold back 
I will not be defined by my past 
I will be filled to the top with joy
I will just be me 

The last line of sonnet XXIII is I shall but love thee better after death and that is my desire. I pray the love God has put in my heart will pour out of me and into people around me and create a chain reaction of people outrageously loving people. This will be my legacy.

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