Monday, August 27, 2012

more and more

the more I get the more I want,

the more I want the less I am satisfied,

the less satisfied I become the more questions I have,

the more questions I have the more I realize there is much much more to discover.


These questions, whether they are simply answered or left as a mystery stir something inside of me. I desire to grow and become better than the day before. I try to put others first so I can learn new things, discover beauty in everything around me.

God has placed a dream in my heart that requires me to trust, to leap off the edge whole heartedly trusting that he will make a way. I may have moments of hesitation even thoughts of failure but ultimately my faith in Him is more. More than my fears, more than my disappointment, more than my expectations.

The need to follow His will has become the driving force propelling me forward. Giving up has come too close, its companion darkness, looming around waiting to overwhelm and overtake. When I call His name His light brings clarity, defeating the darkness revealing the truth.

The winding road of confusion is left behind, the path of peace is the one I choose. The truth of his word is a sweet nectar to my spirit, breathing life into my soul. He is there as a comforting friend and a mighty protector. With Him I have ALL I need, never am I in lack.

Our journey is never ending.
Daily I will pursue Him
Never letting go of the call.
The call to love.

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