Friday, August 31, 2012

honey won't you let me in

love this song!

Now the snow will fall and the lover's call

Will be drenched out by the shatterin' of birds
As the season shifts, lonely minds will drift
On the ocean in a build above its lore
As I knock your door from inside once more
How I wish a soothin' breeze would let me in
Shake my tambourine at your glowing dreams
So honey won't you let me in, oh

As we cease to know where our feet will go
We won't see the ribbons tied up in the pines
Branches will untie every mumblin' lie
Every frailed word in your lullaby is heard
Oh when I catch the force of our first divorce
How I wish the turning sunset could record
Blow my engine steam at your glowin' dreams
So honey won't you let me in, oh

Now the dust will rise, dress the open skies
Just a gallery of words we've used too much
It's a feathers weight but what if it's too late
To be building up our muscles in distract
Put me on the mornin' ship and I will take the trip
To return with all the treasures of our past
It will always seem like a glowin' dream
So honey won't you let me in
I said honey won't you let me in, oh

timing is everything...

timing is everything...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

set sail

I want to fall in love 

set sail on an adventure where my heart is the compass 

leading me to discover a timeless romance 

Monday, August 27, 2012

you are you

One of my favorite things in the world is people watching, sitting and observing people from all walks of life makes me beyond happy. There are so many things to learn from people but if I am always talking I am never going to gain the knowledge I desire. Being tired also helps because I don't have the energy to make an effort so I can sit an absorb like a sponge.

I have watched and listened to old friends, new friends, and strangers on the train facing their life giants. Some have been consumed by circumstance and others have rose above the challenge to strengthen their character. When I see how inspiring people can be with the life they have it pushes me to strive for even more. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to my friends, family, and God for all that I have.

Today alone I have seen some of my favorite people on the planet, enjoyed my favorite treat halloumi cheese, and now I am relaxing in starbucks with a cup of tea. I spent a while reading some of my favorite blogs and there has been a common theme across them all. People are not content. There is a yearning for more, a need to compare to others to rate ourselves on a scale of success.

I am guilty of this myself, looking towards others to find my value and worth. I have a better job than this person, I don't dress as well as this person, I am more intelligent than this person, the list can go on and on. As I have explored this a bit over the past while I have discovered that this is incredibly common so common in fact it is a problem with every person on the planet. We all want to be accepted and seen as fantastic. We gain one thing and before we even celebrate our achievement we are already pursuing the next best thing.

While that is something that is in the DNA of humans I think we still have a choice to go against habitual patterns. It is definitely easier said than done but what about truth? If someone tells you that you have a blue top on and clearly your top is white you know 100% the truth from the lie. Yet when someone tells you you're amazing in your head you tell yourself your average. The truth is obvious, YOU ARE AMAZING! your amazingness isn't based on the fact that you smell better than the person next to you it is because you as an individual are flippin brilliant. If this still confuses you go back to the blue vs white top. The white top wasn't white just because you compared it to the blue, it was white al on its own merit.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and God still thought it was missing something so he created you! You are incredible, inspiring, unique, intelligent, creative, beautiful, the list goes on and on. It has nothing to do with things around you but simply the fact that you are you.

more and more

the more I get the more I want,

the more I want the less I am satisfied,

the less satisfied I become the more questions I have,

the more questions I have the more I realize there is much much more to discover.


These questions, whether they are simply answered or left as a mystery stir something inside of me. I desire to grow and become better than the day before. I try to put others first so I can learn new things, discover beauty in everything around me.

God has placed a dream in my heart that requires me to trust, to leap off the edge whole heartedly trusting that he will make a way. I may have moments of hesitation even thoughts of failure but ultimately my faith in Him is more. More than my fears, more than my disappointment, more than my expectations.

The need to follow His will has become the driving force propelling me forward. Giving up has come too close, its companion darkness, looming around waiting to overwhelm and overtake. When I call His name His light brings clarity, defeating the darkness revealing the truth.

The winding road of confusion is left behind, the path of peace is the one I choose. The truth of his word is a sweet nectar to my spirit, breathing life into my soul. He is there as a comforting friend and a mighty protector. With Him I have ALL I need, never am I in lack.

Our journey is never ending.
Daily I will pursue Him
Never letting go of the call.
The call to love.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

...but when



This blog started for my 4 best friends to be able to know the ramblings in my head and for me to vent even if no one listened. That has now grown and I have now had 6000 hits of strangers, friends, and family look into my brain and heart to see what really goes on. That number is still small but to me it got me thinking about the potential in the minut details.

Some posts are simple as a picture that inspired me and others are words tied together to scratch the surface of my thoughts. Whether simple or complicated it all out for you to see.

I have been thinking a lot lately about influence and inspiration I get from people. There have been people in life life that changed me for the better and no longer have a part in my life as time has passed where others have only just entered my world and have pushed to me to new heights. The thing is in life we all have moments where we can take hold of opportunities and inspire others even if it is in the smallest way. I am just a simple girl from Canada who is passionate about God and loving people yet I have been on a journey in life that is greater than anything I could have designed myself. Sharing my story and the journey I am on has become one of my most favorite pass times. The memories I have of being impacted by people in a massive way are great but it is in the small things that have made the greatest difference in me. The people that cared because they wanted to not because they had to are the ones that are still hold a place in my heart. When I read a piece of literature, get a smile from an old lady on the train, or encouraged by a friend I am lifted up. I get inspired in the small things people do and say and that is what I hope to achieve in my life.

I want people to know how amazing they are, how loved they are, how they can do anything they set their mind and heart to. This blog may be random thoughts but my prayer is that even in my ramblings and chaotic craziness, somewhere in the midst of it you see that we are all dreamers who can really achieve what is in our hearts.

The dream of the ideal job, the storybook romance, the perfect love, the adventures and everything in between can be truth. We all live a life that requires trust in God and the faith to put the dreams in action. So take the next step and inspire someone today. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

light at the end of the tunnel

No one dislikes good things happening, whether it 's a new pair of shoes or winning the lottery good things happen. The test is focusing on the good even when it is minuscule or non existent, it is so much easier said than done I know but it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves. When bad times happen and when good times happen they all come together to shape the person we are. Today I am taking hold of my happy moment and hanging on to it as long as I can.  Situations whether good or bad help us appreciate what we have in our lives. The ones we love, memories, dreams, hopes all intertwined together create a beautiful life. The light at the end of the tunnel may be only for a moment and push us to rise to the challenges of life or it may be there for a while to let us enjoy the joys of life. When we get to the end and step into the warmth of the light we can take a deep breathe, and bask in the solace. Life is a journey and we have the choice to make the most of it. Each new day gives us the opportunity to enjoy the good moments.

As a quirky man once said "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow".