Saturday, February 5, 2011

In life we make decisions every minute or every day. we can decide to eat cereal or eat toast for breakfast. or whether we are going to have our hair up, down, curly, or straight. The list could go on and on. then there are other decisions that are a little harder to decide, do we listen to what our head is telling us or listen to what our heart is telling us. More times than not what are head tells us is the easy way out. But we still wrestle with the though even though we know that when we follow our heart the outcome is generally more beneficial. We can decide to let our circumstances overwhelm us and let what other people say determine which way we go or we can take the path that is a little harder to journey along. And be patient and wait. Most times when something involves waiting it takes longer because the greatness of whatever we are waiting for need to develop. This can be as crucial as the "perfect" job or a relationship or something as small as a line up at mcdonalds or at the movie theater.

The choice however is up to us, when we are standing at the cross road do we wait and follow our heart or jump in when it is convenient and miss out on incredible so we can settle for good in the moment. I want to live a life that is all about following my heart but more specifically the passions and desires that God has put in my heart.

I have spent way to much time staying focused on the waiting and not enough time just living life and enjoying what I have in the here and now. The time will come when it is time to jump in without even a second thought but for now it s time to wait and you know what...I amok with that because I know that the God that created the universe is completely, utterly, and totally in control of everything! he knew the entire layout and plan of my life before time began. I think someone like that is more than capable of taking care of my needs. he is so fippen amazing and I am so happy to have a God that is alive and cares about me :)

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