Tuesday, March 23, 2010


there are sometimes those days that you wake up and realize that you have the whole day to yourself! but you know you have to go to work later on that day so it feels like there is no point of starting anything because you have to work and it takes away all your motivation.
Today was one of those days.

I woke up. went to the doctor. did nothing at home. then went to work.
Work started slow and stayed slow but there was one cool moment. This guy came in and he was looking for a camera ( hence the reason he came to best buy ) anyway he was from France and being the friendly person I am we started what turned into an hour long conversation about Europe.
Then it got even better it turned out he was a professional photographer! which I am freaking jealous of and he told me of some cool places in Europe I had to visit. I have wanted to go to Europe for a while but after this conversation I defs want to go asap.

So this is my official/not really official statement. I am going to Europe.
some stops along the way suggested by mr. french camera guy

1. mount blanc, highest mountain in the alps.it's between france and italy.

2. swiss alps schilthorn gondola

3.Grotta Azzurra, in italy

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