Thursday, March 25, 2010 thank you

My wednesday started brilliantly i got to see some lovely friends of mine. Mark, Chanel, and i went to whiterock for some YUMMY gelato and walked around and took pictures like the awesome people we are.

Then we went to church and mcdonalds with some other friends and met this kid from the army. It was quite a grand evening.

During the day my allergies had been bugging me thanks to a new car air freshener. But they sky rocketed when I had the pleasure of meeting Chanels cat. what started as a small reaction turned into taking a few claritain pills using a roll of toilet paper and sneezing like a mad woman. It has been about 16 hours and my left eye has now swollen shut my throat is swollen so it feels like i am breathing thru a straw, my head is pounding,
and to top it off my voice is so low it could put any man to shame.

so I finish with this...note to self, cats are not my friend, especially if I want to continue breathing

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