Friday, November 2, 2012

count your blessings

When I sit in bed late at night and have time to be alone with my thoughts it is amazing where I travel.

I ponder my day and how things turned out, the way they could have went differently, or how perfectly things fell into place.

Today I sat reminiscing the past few months, the change and chaos of my life has been utterly immense. So much has happened yet I still fill my time anticipating the next moment that will soon become another memory. Rushing forward forgetting to acknowledge the past and present. All three equally important to the masterpiece that is life.

Count your blessings

Have you heard that on before? I have heard it all my life, its meaning has not been one that has had much weight until more recently. It is not about taking a moment to sit and compare my life to others but reflect on the goodness that is in life itself. The goodness that God has showered me with, the unending love he has freely given.

While 2012 has been a challenging year, pushing me and testing me on a diverse spectrum of areas I am more than grateful. This year has been absolutely wonderful, overflowing with moments of pure joy and absolute bliss! The blessings I have been given are unfathomable, if I tried to count it would be impossible to do. Even right now as I sit all alone I know I have a roof over my head, people that love me and a God who is the biggest gentle giant in the universe and cares for me. That alone is worth living for and surely more than enough to put a smile on my face.

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