Thursday, December 30, 2010

royal crap

ok so cinderella has and always will be my favorite disney movie however for some stupid reason disney came out with a second one. Now I wouldn't mind it if it was a good movie or had a good story line. (um the story line was the exact same as beauty and the beast 2). I could only handle 20 minutes of this movie and every second of that was brutal. The voices were different there were new characters that were mean and over all it sucked. I am thoroughly tweaked and don't understand why disney would do this to me.

Cinderella 2 you will not live happily ever after. you suck.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

little blue box

When a girl sees a little blue box there is one word that comes to mind


that little blue box isn't just wrapping to a shiny gift. it represents so much more than that. it proves that every girl can be Audrey Hepburn that most beautiful woman of her time. it proves that modern day fairy tales can happen.
When you are a girl with jewelry from Tiffany's you have something that makes yo feel a little extra special every time you wear it.
that little blue box means you are getting something small, precious, most likely expensive, but the best part is it's SHINY!

One day I too will get a little blue box and it will be a wonderful day that I look forward to. ps my birthday is january 8th just so you know ;)

O Canada

proud to be canadain

fly away please

Airplanes I do not like you.

My relationship with airplanes has been a complicated one for many years now, up and down up and down it has been quite an emotional roller coaster.

I recently found out that it is not normal for me to feel a fair amount of pain every time we are together.

It starts with a head ache and then works its way to nausea and then seals the deal with all my muscles in my neck and back and arms and legs really tense. It is not very fun at all.

I love seeing new places around the world and I want to see it all but preferably not in an airplane but it looks like I don't have a choice.

this is for you

Soooooooooo Paula. I have not posted for a while so I am going to make it up to you and do one post for everyday I have missed to make you feel better :)

...this counts as the first one b t dubs

only 23 to go

Sunday, December 5, 2010

baby girl

It started at 24 then it went


now there are 5 days till I see my baby sister!

First stop Bradford next stop London! the Rome, Milan, Kiev, and back to London.

I can't wait

new chapter

so I have been in Bradford England for...

126 days.

It has been the most challenging time in my life. I have been stretched in so every way possible and it has sucked a lot of the time but I am so thankful for every second of it.

I have learned so much about myself and about the person I want to be.

Instead of feeling like crap after the rough patch I feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes next.

Ready to start a new chapter.

whatever it may entail.

I am ready.

One of the things I learned during my adventure is that my world is so small in the scheme of life but so beyond significant to my daddy God.

Every thought. desire. dream. passion.

he cares about.

I am learning all over again that I am chereshed by the creator of the universe.

how freaking cool is that!

the world is a big place but my God is bigger.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Tonight I had 3 amazing girls stay at my house.

They are all from Gulu Uganda and have come from unbelievable backgrounds.

their lives have had so much pain and incredibly traumatic experiences yet they still have so much


I made them dinner and then we sat and talked and oh my goodness I felt so honored to be even in the same room. it was a simple coonversation that took a couple minutes of their day and it has put a completely new perspective on my life.

I was talking to a woman who has went thru so much

some of the things are the things I am dedicating my life to stop.

it was definitely a kick in the right direction to keep on doing what God wants me to do.