Tuesday, May 18, 2010


in situations I hope for the best, hoping that the outcome will be good. unfortunately that doesn't always happen. Lately I have been realizing that plans are good but sometimes we have to just trust that things will work out. That God actually is in control of the stuff we can't figure out.

Plans are things we have to be comfortable and while yes they are good sometimes they create even more confusion.

if an expected situation turns out to be something COMPLETELY different getting wigged out is the first response. Focusing on the fact that if this didn't work out, whatever happens instead has to be better. The crud may be pourin down like crazy but eventually the rain stops and so will your crappy situation.

if you let your expectations be dependent on what God has instead of what you think is going to happen it will so turn out wicked awesome.


why did I come up with this?? long story short...boy and girl are friends nothing more...girl talks to friends who suggest hanging out is a date...girl gets nervous...boy and girl hangout... hello awkward moments and a million questions...resulting in unsure expectations...woo hoo

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