Thursday, November 24, 2011

The city of pot and porn

I have so much excitement for Amsterdam! Not for either of the reasons in the title of this post but because it will be my 8th country thus year! It's not 10 but it's close and u may slip in one or two more :)

Anyway I am so excited number one to just get away, have fun with a friend, and to see a new place.

Also the fact that the res light district is so massive there I am curious to see it because in a few years trafficking grill be illegal so it will be cool to say that I saw it before hand. It may sound ridiculous to some but I completely believe that. Human trafficking is absolutely horrific and the fact that some pimps get away with displaying girls in store windows makes me want to vomit. I will see an end to trafficking in my life time and I can't wait to see that day.

On another note I am excites to see Amsterdam itself. From what I have rad and heard its a beautiful city with so much to see.

Stories and pictures COMING SOON!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So last night I had the privilege of attending the last of the 5 fundraising dinners that Christians Against Poverty hosted. Fair enough it was for work but still I felt so privileged to be there. It was amazing to see how generous people were.

We raised £237,000 in one night and in total over the past year a total of £898,000 that is absolutely ridiculous!

I still can't believe I work at such an incredible place. Not only does it help people get out of debt, peoples lives are changed for eternity. We see people start a new life with God and see transformations on a daily basis.

I simply love my job.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One moment is all it takes

When I get stressed or overwhelmed, which seems to happen a fair amount these days. It amazes me how long I take to remember to trust in what God is doing. In one moment I can go from insanely bazerk to remarkably calm.

So yet again note to self God is bigger - he literally knows everything

What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. (Matthew 10:29 NLT)


I am so restless I want to see more of the world now!!

Somewhere hot

Somewhere new

Somewhere exciting